Sunday, November 21, 2010

Starting a new diet to combat ADD and Aspberger's

Okay. Today I will be hitting the stores for our weeks worth of groceries. Our 5 year old Daughter Hannah has been diagnosed with Asperger's Disorder and ADHD, inattentive type. There have been a few articles I've read online in regards to removing gluten and dairy from her diet and I thought it might help her focus. If not, it will at least be worth a shot.

Now, our 4 year old Hailey doesn't seen to have those problems, but appears to be sensitive to food  coloring and sugar. She is very social, smart and energetic, but can be a little hard to handle after eating junk food.

To make a long story not so long, I have decided to go organic (with in reason and budget) start trying gluten free foods and using soy milk for most things. I'll buy natural products and try as best as I can to use unrefined products. This will be expensive no doubt, and frustrating as well as more work for me. Hannah will be packing her lunch now, and I have found a few recipies for pasta and bread that I'd like to try.

I have to hit the local GNC for Xhantan gum and I found a gluten free bread flour mix at Publix. I'll swap out the breakfast cerial for fruit and protien such as eggs and maybe sausage or possibly gluten free waffles, if they are not too expensive.

I'll blog this process as a way to track the potential progress. Maybe if it works, this might come in handy for others who are facing similar issues.

Hannah is smart, she knows what she should but she is having a very hard time using what she knows and social situations are a bit hard for her. She finally saw Santa and even though she wouldn't talk to him or sit with him, she did at least stand next to his chair and allow her picture to be taken, though she wouldn't smile. Her current obesssions are ants and skunks.

Hailey did good, she sat with Santa and told him she wanted a unicorn. She had a very hard time following instructions during the day and even giggled when I took her for time outs outside of stores while we were out yesterday.

I did realize this morning that I need to spend more one on onetime with Hailey, playing games and such. It's hard for me because i also have Asperger's. But for her, I'm willing to do anything. So, out come the preschool suitable board games and the barbies!

I'll post again later in the week.

1 comment:

  1. The Gluten/dairy free diet worked well for my daughter. However it doesn't always help- she is an in college now and after missing out on pizza with the group of friends that she has finally formed relationships with she decided that it did not help enough to be worth the hassle. They were very supportive and tried to accommodate her but it is a difficult and complicated and expensive diet (particularly for a college kid on a budget).For her the diet really helped the sensitivity to stimulus like sound and smells- she was also much less anxious. It didn't seem to make much of a difference in her social skills or obsessions or other aspects of Asperger's so depending on the symptoms that are most serious for you and your daughter it may be great or may not make much difference. Give it at least a month though it takes that much time to clear your system and start to work
    Good luck
